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Maps were usually bound into atlases. World maps are generally the most favored and geographic inaccuracies, such as California as an island lend to the enjoyment of displaying these maps.
Mitchell's New General Atlas was published by Samuel Augustus Mitchell. It was a classic geographical reference in the mid to late 1800's for both the world and the United States. U.S. editions included both state and city maps New editions were published yearly until 1887. The maps were popular and were used by the public and other publishers until the beginning of the 1900s.
The forty map plans of principal world cities including London, Athens, New York, Munich, Philadelphia, etc. are highly detailed steel engravings. The collection of maps was published in the mid 1800's by the Society of Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. The maps were drawn over a period of thirteen years and represented an opportunity to research urban development in cities.
The maps provide views of mid-19th-century Alexandria, Amsterdam, Calcutta, Constantinople, Copenhagen, Dublin, Edinburgh, Geneva, Madrid, Stockholm and Vienna, as well as eight cities in Italy, five in Germany, four in France, three apiece in England and the United States and two each in Belgium, Portugal and Russia.
A rare 1578 Mercator map showing the world
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